Guest Post: MisfitLesley of Twitter and Instagram

Whoa, look at me, I’m on The Fancy Side! That’s just fine because I think I’ll fit into this glittery corner of the Internet quite well. ;)

My name is Lesley and I met Amy through mutual inappropriateness on Twitter. She invited me, along with some other special, crazy, gals, to guest post during her trip to China. I am happy, and slightly intimidated, as this is actually my first blog post! I’ll try to do right by her. ;)

So the theme for the guest posts was “travel.” I immediately had the idea to use this blue (Illamasqua Noble) with clouds and an airplane. My idea stalled at the airplane because I didn’t want to freehand one and didn’t have any decals, etc. Well, I happened to go on an insane polish shopping spree in Southern California for my birthday with Cynthia from Of Life and Lacquer (who I’m assuming has already guest posted or will be guest posting shortly), and realized that I had found my solution while buying out a store of all of their Hello Kitty decals (yes, I am one of those girls…no shame in my Hello Kitty-loving game).

First, let me just tell you about Illamasqua Noble. I sat down to do this thing and did not want to cover it up. It’s a vibrant, robin’s egg/sky blue, and it applies in two perfect coats. It was also probably the shiniest polish I’ve ever seen without topcoat.

After convincing myself to go through with this theme, I also scrapped trying to do clouds because it was really late (as in early in the morning late) and I didn’t want to risk a disasticure, so I reverted to tried and true dots in China Glaze White Out. They sort of represent clouds, right? Right.

Nonetheless, I am still pretty happy with how this turned out, even if it’s a deviation from my original idea. I think it came out cute. I’ve also got a little coordinating Hello Kitty bow on my thumb.
Of course, I only realized after-the-fact that Hello Kitty is upside-down in a photo and it’s hard to get the bow to show with the rest of it. I also generally have a tough time getting colors to look quite like they do in real life. Rookie mistakes, here, but, I tried. ;)

If anyone’s interested in seeing more of my non-professional nail photos, you can check out misfitlesley on Twitter and Instagram.

I’d like to extend a huge thanks to Amy for having me here on her blog! I’m excited and happy for her new adventures in life to begin and can’t wait to see all of the things that are coming up for her.

Lesley is to cute! Go follow her on Twitter now!! She always makes me laugh and I love our inappropriate convos!! I kinda hate her and Cynthia a smidge for their polish spree though. These decals are the cutest ever and I'm super jealous of that Illamasqua polish!  Also, please join me and all the others in trying to convince her to start a blog! It would be filled with fun manis and gorgeous bracelets. Thanks again Les!
  1. I am so glad to see hello kitty decals here! Now I'm totally remembering the guy at that store that was giving us a hard time for buying so much polish even though we were buying it from him!!! LOL! Dangit I love that Illamasqua. To tell you the truth, I have been abstaining ever since they implemented that new price hike. :/

    1. I love what Lesley did. I also want that Illamasqua. I still haven't cashed in my v-card on that polish brand yet.

  2. before I began reading this post my first thought was Lesley was going to totally do a "Hello Kitty travels the world" theme mani...and I wasn't too far off :P
    This is way cute and waaaaay Lesley, of course I love it!

  3. LOL funny how Fross thought that Lesley was going to be the one with the HK Traveling the world and I was the one lol totally love this mani simply adorable lesley

    1. You and Lesley, you're adorable with your HK.


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