It Girl Fashion Plates - Part Tres

Today I'm back with another plate review from It Girl Nail Art. I've made it no secret that I love everything that Nicole puts out and IG-107 does not disappoint. This plate contains Art Deco inspired images. Even though many of the images contain thin lines, they still pick up clean and crisp. All images were pulled with my Creative Shop Stamper and Konad Black polish. Check out all the cool looks below. 

I'm going to show off some looks for #StampingSaturday tomorrow featuring this plate and then I'll cover IG-109 on Sunday so be sure to stay tuned to see these plates in all their glory. Now for the best part...plates IG-107, IG-108, and IG-109 launched today in Nicole's store. From today, March 4th to March 9th, you can buy all three in a bundle for $35 which is a super sale!! Also, there is no more pre-ordering and waiting for your plates...they are ready to rock now. So run quick and get these plates. You'll love them I promise.

Enjoy & until next time, Amy Lee

*plate is press sample
It Girl Nail Art
  1. How cool are those patterns. :-D I really love the scales and the dhells. But all of them are awesome. :-)

  2. Great designs, I don't have any of her plates yet.

  3. I've herd nothing but great things about these plates! I really need to try them!

  4. That is awesome! I love those kind of dense patterns.

  5. Such crisp and beautiful stamps! I look forward to your nail art!

  6. Her plates are gorgeous, I just completely suck at stamping.


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