#31DC2015: Polka Dots

I'm going to make this post for #31DC2015 short and sweet. The prompt for today was Polka Dots. I couldn't think of a fun way to do this prompt so I turned to my Pinterest Board full of Inspiration. I settled on this look

To start I began with a base of Girly Bits Elephant Shoe, a soft grey creme polish. This is two thick coats for full coverage. 

Once Elephant Shoe was dry, I stamped on polka dots from MoYou London Pro Collection 1 with Mundo de Unas Dark Grey. I then went in with OPI Goldeneye and filled half of each dot to accomplish the look I was going for.

There you have it! Polka dots! Not going to lie, this challenge is kicking my butt. Next up is stripes.

Enjoy & until next time, Amy Lee
*self purchased
Girly Bits
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MoYou London
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Mundo de Unas
  1. I don't know if I will ever be brave enough to take on this challenge. Well done you! A very interesting spin on dots!

    1. Lol! I think I went temporarily insane. I'm counting the days until we're done.

  2. Love the look that you came up with for this prompt! Don't give up you're doing so good!!

    1. Thank you so much! You are too sweet, I need that encouragement.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Anita, if you do give me a shout, I'd love to see your version.

  4. I love how these came out! And that Girly Bits is amazing!

  5. Such a lovely take on polka dots!!!

  6. Such a great look!! You're doing great, you should be proud!

  7. Wow! This is so classy. I love how you angled the dots on the nail.

  8. Such a classy mani! You're definitely rocking the challenge!


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